Glossary of Common Terms

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Graduate Gemologist (GG)One who holds the Graduate in Gemology Diploma, awarded by the Gemological Institute of America, after successful completion of their Gemological Course curriculum.
InclusionA visible foreign substance (flaw), fracture, or void inside a diamond or gemstone.
KaratA unit of purity measure of gold. (note: karat is not the same as carat)
LoupeA small magnifying glass that is hand held or placed in the eye socket. A 10X (10 times or 10 power) loupe should be used to examine gemstones.
MountingA piece of metal that holds a gem in place, serving as a mount, support or setting. (i.e. a ring) See also Semi-Mounting.
Noble MetalMetals, such as gold, silver, or platinum, which resist oxidation. The Middle English version of Precious Metal.
OilingAn enhancement technique commonly used on emeralds which can mask imperfections thereby improving the color and brilliance of a stone.
PavéA setting of stones placed close together so as to show no metal between them. From the French word meaning paver, as in a street paver stone.
Platinum group metalsA group of six metals (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum) with similar properties.
PointA term meaning 1/100th of a carat. (i.e. a 50 point diamond = 50/100th of a carat = a 1/2 carat diamond) (see stone weight terminology)
RhodiumA silvery-white metallic element of the platinum family.
Rhodium PlatingA process used to coat metals (especially white gold) with an extremely bright and hard-wearing finish.
Jewels and Gems